May 8, 2014
Discovery Place Brings Science to the Street With New TryOn Science Sidewalk Exhibition
Explore North Tryon Street through the Lens of Science

Explore North Tryon Street through the Lens of Science
CHARLOTTE – Discovery Place is activating Tryon Street with a new exhibition experience called TryOn Science, opening to the public on Saturday, May 10. Explore North Tryon Street through the lens of science to find out what role sensory hair cells play in hearing and balance, or why wheels on cars appear to spin backwards. Passers-by will get a taste of Discovery Place through three new sidewalk experiences:
- How Tall: As you walk by you may hear the call of a voice saying, “Hey, come over here” or “What’s Up?” Stand under the sensor as the exhibit calculates your measured height and gives you a verbal analysis of your numbers.
- Whisper Dishes: Discovery Place is bringing back an old favorite. Two stainless steel disks stand roughly 60 feet apart from one another where you can whisper your deepest secrets into the dish. But be careful, someone listening at the other dish will hear you!
- Kaleidoscopes: Experience ‘people watching’ in a whole new way! Two new kaleidoscope units swivel and hinge so you can explore the passers-by on Tryon Street.
“We are thrilled to bring Discovery Place out to the community of Charlotte for everyone to explore and experience. Whether people are passing by on their lunch break or are out exploring the city, we want to give community members the opportunity to see and hear science in the world around them,” said Discovery Place CEO and president, Catherine Wilson Horne.
Also on display for a limited time is a public art wall where anyone can contribute to a chalk drawing replica of Van Gogh’s infamous painting, The Bedroom, part of the Van Gogh Alive experience now showing at Discovery Place. The public art wall and exhibition will be leaving Charlotte June 1.
All TryOn Science exhibits are free and open to the public.
About Discovery Place
One of the top hands-on science museums in the nation, Discovery Place provides ever-changing, entertaining facilities that engage people in the active exploration of science and nature. The Museum brings relevant, contemporary science to life through groundbreaking exhibitions, interactive educational programming and hands-on activities.
Discovery Place is located in uptown Charlotte at 301 N. Tryon Street. Convenient parking is available in the Museum’s parking deck – the Carol Grotnes Belk Complex – at the corner of Sixth and Church Streets. For more information about Discovery Place, call 704.372.6261, visit or connect with Discovery Place on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Discovery Place, Inc. owns and operates Discovery Place, Charlotte Nature Museum, Discovery Place KIDS-Huntersville and Discovery Place KIDS-Rockingham and is supported, in part, with funding from the Arts & Science Council.
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